Network, Voice & Security

  • Gain complete visibility into applications, users and threats
  • Safely enable applications across all ports, for all users, all the time
  • Enable users to access only the resources they need
  • Secure encrypted traffic
  • Automate threat protection
  • Gain zero-day malware protection

Filter incoming network traffic based on source or destination

Blocking unwanted incoming traffic is the most common feature of a firewall and is the main reason for a firewall—stopping unwanted traffic from entering your network. This unwanted traffic is usually from attackers, thus the need to keep it out.


Filter outgoing network traffic based on source or destination:

Many firewalls can also screen network traffic from your internal network to the Internet. For example, you might want to prevent employees from accessing inappropriate websites. You might also place a firewall between your network and a business partner with rules to keep each of you safe.


Filter network traffic based on content:

More advanced firewalls can screen network traffic for unacceptable content. For example, a firewall integrated with a virus scanner can prevent files that contain viruses from entering your network. Other firewalls integrate with email services to screen out unacceptable email.


Detect and filter malware:

The rise and proliferation of botnets and malware have driven firewall manufacturers to implement features designed to detect infected hosts through packet inspections. This is a good example of how security is ever changing and the security of the network must continue to advance as well because what was secure yesterday might not be tomorrow.


Make internal resources available:

Although the primary purpose of a firewall is to prevent unwanted network traffic from passing through it, you can also configure many firewalls to enable selective access to internal resources, such as a public web server, while still preventing other access from the Internet to your internal network. In many cases, you can accomplish this by using a DMZ, which is where the public web server would be located. (DMZs are discussed later in the section “Essentials First: Life in the DMZ.”)


Allow connections to internal network:

A common method for employees to connect to a network is using virtual private networks (VPN). VPNs enable secure connections from the Internet to a corporate network. For example, telecommuters and traveling employees can use a VPN to connect to the corporate network. VPNs can also connect branch offices to each other over the Internet, saving on WAN costs.


Report on network traffic and firewall activities:

When screening network traffic to and from the Internet, you need to know what your firewall is doing, who tried to break in to your network, and who tried to access inappropriate material on the Internet. Most firewalls include a reporting mechanism of some kind. A good firewall can also log activity to a syslog or other type of archival storage receptacle. Perusing firewall logs after an attack occurs is one of a number of forensic tools you have at your disposal.


Local area networks (LAN and Wi-Fi) are decisive factors in the ups and downs of IT performance, alongside the computer center. But running the LAN infrastructure requires considerable staff and financial resources. T-Systems takes over this task on request and guarantees success with its SLA (service level agreement). This arrangement gives companies security and facilitates a high-performing company network.

Irrespective of the customer’s location, call centers play an important role in delivering reliable customer experience on a daily basis. Different call centers have their own unique goals that have to be met but at the end of the day it all boils down to providing quality service to the customers. Industry surveys have indicated that despite the surge in self-service technologies, customer service professionals (CSP) are preferred the most when it comes to experiencing quality service.

Customers too are more knowledgeable regarding the products they purchase and hence prefer interacting with CSPs who possess superior language, communication, and problem solving skills to resolve their issues.  It therefore becomes imperative for companies with call centers to constantly work on improving the quality of service to the level that the customers expect from them. A reliable customer care call center service expert can provide you with the necessary support required to set up and run an excellent contact center.

Our team continuously monitors and improves and IT Infrastructure/ Cloud security posture while preventing detecting, analyzing and respond to Cyber security incidents

We Offers

Provide a single pane of glass for unified network security policy management across cloud and on-premise networks

  • Translate non-technical business requests for connectivity into networking terms
  • Intelligently automate the entire security policy change process
  • Proactively assess the risk of every proposed change
  • Pinpoint and quickly troubleshoot network connectivity issues