Network Operations

Network Operations

Underpinning any Digital Transformation plan, behind any growth in Digital Maturity, lays an organization’s network. Without a robust and efficient network architecture, an enterprise’s IT systems cannot function – and so, increasingly, the enterprise cannot function.

Whatever the size and complexity of an organization’s networking requirements, TECH BOT can take on management of this infrastructure. As one of the leading IT service providers in the UAE and India, we have the knowledge and capability to provision even the most complex network environment, improving on service levels that are possible from in-house teams, aligned with business objectives – and providing value for money.

LAN Service

End network downtime, IP address conflicts and poor performance. TECH BOT can ensure an organization’s Local Area Network (LAN) operates at peak efficiency, while remaining secure from intrusion.


Wireless LAN Services

Wireless networking is now essential to allow access to portable devices and visitors – but providing effective coverage, high speeds and a secure environment is a challenge. TECH BOT can make sure wireless coverage is always consistent and secure.


IP Communication Services

Modern Internet Protocol (IP) telephony has simplified communications in many ways, but also requires careful management – and IP videoconferencing adds another level of complexity and demand to network operations. TECH BOT can ensure an organization is able to keep Collaborating.